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For some time, this website has been providing access to resources in agricultural & food law. With the publication of a new edition to Food, Farming, & Sustainability (2025), past resources are found in archive pages and updates will be added going forward. Given the new administration, significant executive and regulatory changes are anticipated. General actions taken by the Trump administration will be highlighted on a new resource, Trump Administrative Actions, and more specific regulatory changes will be featured on each chapter's page.

The Book


Food, Farming, & Sustainability: Readings in Agricultural Law provides a survey of agricultural law issues, bringing together traditional agricultural law topics and current issues of sustainability & food policy.  First published in 2011, the 2nd edition was released in August 2016. The 3rd edition was released in February 2025. This website provides updates and additional resources.

The Author


Susan A. Schneider is the Wm H. Enfield Professor of Law and the Director of the LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law at the University of Arkansas School of Law. She has practiced and taught agricultural law and food law & policy for three decades and has dedicated her career to these issues. She is a recognized national leader in both disciplines, continually advocating for better understanding from farm to fork and a more resilient, sustainable food system.


Legal Resources


Links to a variety of agricultural law resources are provided here as a stand-alone source of information and as a supplement to Food, Farming, & Sustainability: Readings in Agricultural Law. Resources are organized using the same chapters as the book. These pages are all under construction to better conform to the just-released 3rd edition and to reflect current developments.

Survey of Agricultural Law 
Cover.jpeg Cover of the book

Agricultural Law is applied law. It considers all of the basic areas of law and policy and applies them to the agricultural industry, the starting point for our food system. In most areas, there are exceptions, special rules, and unique policy considerations that differentiate agriculture from other businesses.


Almost all aspects of agricultural law are under current debate as we struggle to develop a food system that is sustainable and resilient in the face of climate change, environmental degradation, changes in land tenure and control, and an increasing global population.

Professor Schneider teaches Food, Farming & Sustainability at the University of Arkansas School of Law, LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law.

For Educational Use

This website, the book Food Farming & Sustainability: Readings in Agricultural Law, and the resources provided here are intended for educational purposes only. They are designed to assist educators in teaching in this complex and ever-changing area of law. And, it is hoped that they will be helpful to all who want to better understand agricultural law and policy.


Neither the book nor this website is intended as legal advice. While I will attempt to post new information as the law changes, readers should also verify the current status of the law as needed using the web links provided.

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